<text>Press Tab, press Enter, or click outside the field to get back the browse tool.Add a period to the end of this line<Return> works within the field. It doesn't work like Tab or Enter.Change the text size to 12 point—(option-click with the browse tool)Try to change text size to an erroneous value!The field has to be a scrolling field.Remember to set the “lockText” of any new fields you create.Be sure to set the “Don't Wrap” attribute -- or else! :-)Command-click with the browse tool to change text characteristics.Try to double-click on a word.Hold the mouse button down on this line. Drag it around the field.The best double click technique is: single-click (pause) single-click.Shift-click near the *center* to move the field.Shift-click near the corners to resize the field.Resize too small and you'll get a beep and the field size will restore.Put lots o’ lines in the field and try to drag beyond the top or the bottom edge.Scrolling works properly!Happy Scripting. Drop me a note if you like it.Douglas Parker45090 Elmhurst Ct.Utica, MI 48317-4991Freeware.</text>